Realio Genesis Contract: The Genesis for Realio Network Layer 2 Alpha Launch
Update December 15, 2021: 🎉Genesis contract is live! 🎉. Go to to stake $RIO!
In preparation for the Realio Network Layer 2 Alpha Launch currently slated for 2022 the Realio tech team is deploying a Genesis Staking contract to the Ethereum blockchain.
The Genesis Staking contract provides an opportunity for $RIO holders to mint Genesis $RIO at Realio Network Alpha Launch and offers incentives for staking. These incentives include multipliers for different staking levels. $RIO staked is $RIO earned at Alpha Launch.
📢 $xRIO Staking rewards will include a new ERC-20 token $xRIO which will be used to redeem Genesis $RIO one for one at Alpha Launch.
$RIO Staking breakdown
First 100,000 $RIO staked (cumulative) earns a 3x mint multiple of $xRIO
The next 100,000 – 500,000 $RIO staked (cumulative) earns a 2x mint multiple of $xRIO
500,000+ $RIO staked (cumulative) earns a 1.5x mint multiple of $xRIO
$RIO staked into the Genesis contract will automatically migrate 50% into the LP staking rewards contract cache (RIO LP Staking – Earn RIO with Uniswap LP Token ), while the other 50% will be burned. Creating a community-driven and cyclical path rewarding $RIO to Liquidity Providers.
To commemorate our Alpha Launch we will be awarding special edition Realio Collectible NFTs to stakers that have 10,000 or more $RIO staked. A few lucky NFTs will include easter eggs (such as private keys to wallets holding tokens or valuable NFTs) that their holders can access via unlockable content. One random easter egg will hold a valuable NFT that we have purchased in preparation for Genesis staking.
There will be hidden easter eggs available randomly inside special edition Realio Collectible NFTs.
Super Staking Rewards
Qualifying Super Staking Wallets: On August 28, 2020, a snapshot of all wallets holding 10,000 RIO was taken, and all of these addresses qualify for Super Staking upon Alpha Launch. In addition, all Realio accounts that purchased $RST during the STO will qualify for Super Staking.
Super Staking will be available on the Realio Platform after Alpha Launch - more information to be announced.
Genesis Staking Contract address: 0x39f17dd7AA8c2363e4302dFDC10eBEEFf6E3d987
Realio NFT Contract address: TBD
Realio LP Staking Contract address: 0x288a1f73Beee6e4d0579747E26D23d065cacF4D1
Realio xRIO Contract address: 0x0B4AC2BA3D4924C9A06D9C1d08D7867059A39cC1